Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. H. Herri, SE., MBA (Indonesia) Ketua LL Dikti Wilayah X
Dr. Gumpanat Boriboon (Thailand) Srinkharinwirot University, Bangkok
Dr. Gumpanat Boriboon maintained his keen interest in the areas of international lifelong learning, youth activities, adult education and exchange programs in ASEAN during his career as Head of the Department of Adult Education and Lifelong Education, Faculty of Education, Srinakharinwirot University Bangkok. In his 15 years there he has initiated many successful training projects in adult education and non-formal education . Moreover, he led the Community Lifelong Learning Centers for Elderly or University of 3rd ages in Chiangrai Municipal, providing adult education, training programs and care protection projects to vulnerable people in many provinces. Besides He worked as part time volunteer for The Association of The Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program Thailand as Secretary General for 16 years now He was an Adviser of the Association.
Currently, he is one of the Lecturer of Graduate program for Master and Doctoral Students at Srinakahrinwirot University advising students in their research in Education.
Kazunori Nozawa is a specially appointed professor and professor emeritus at Ritsumeikan University, Japan. He has been teaching EFL (English as a Foreign Language) in the undergraduate programs for nearly 40 years and CALL program developer as well as the coordinator (1981-2017). He also has taught Nonverbal Communication as an international liberal arts course (2017-current). At Graduate School of Language Education and Information Science (2003-current), he has taught CALL: Theory and Practice and M2 seminar class (2003-current), and Intercultural Communication (2005-current). He was a co-founder of JALTCALL (Japan Association for Language Teaching Computer-Assisted Language Learning) Special Interest Group. He has been a co-editor (after 2015, the editor-in-chief) and the web manager of CALL-EJ ( since 1999. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator in 2013 and a Global Scale of English Thought Leader in 2016. He is also on review boards of several journals in the field of foreign language teaching and learning, language science, and educational technology. His current research interests include implementation of m-learning and/or e-learning, the pedagogy of effective intercultural communication and nonverbal communication, blended learning, and project-based learning. His latest co-authored academic paper is Muller, A., Son, J. B., Nozawa, K., & Dashtestani, R. (2018). Learning English Idioms with a Web-Based Educational Game, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 55(6), 848–865. ISSN 0735-6331 His major publications beside academic papers are: The Pickled Plum and the Japanese Sword: Japanese Wisdom Exemplified in History (1993) and Soichiro Honda: Endless Racer (1995) Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation; Computa Riyono Gaikokugo Kyoiku: CAI no Doko to Jissen (Foreign Language Education Through Computers: Trend and Practice in CAI) (1993) Eichosha; Saishin Gaikokugo CALL no Kenkyu to Jissen (Recent Research and Practice of Foreign Language CALL) (2003) CIEC FL SIG; ICT o Tsukatta Gaikokugo Kyoiku (Foreign Language Education Using ICT) (2008) CIEC FLER SIG; Saishin ICT o Katsuyoshita Watashi no Gaikokugo Jyugyo (My Foreign Language Teaching Utilizing the Latest ICT) (2014) Maruzen Planet.
Prof. Nozawa Kazunori (Japan) Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Prof. Gillian Kidman (Australia) Monash University Australia
Gillian is passionate about science and mathematics education. Her teaching and curriculum design is award winning at both the State and National levels. Gillian has research interests in the integration of science and mathematics, STEM, and all areas of inquiry based learning and teaching.
She is particularly interested in inquiry forms of teaching and learning and the potential inquiry has in terms of the integration of science and mathematics. She is currently working on the interpretation of andlsquo;inquiry’ in the Australian Curriculum in Science, History and Geography, and the overlap with problem solving in mathematics. Gillian has also researched ICT, STEM, biotechnology education, Indigenous underachievement and teaching in and out-of-field.
Research interests
Gillian has research interests in both science and mathematics education. She is particularly interested in inquiry forms of teaching and learning and the potential inquiry has in terms of the integration of science and mathematics. She is currently working on the interpretation of ‘inquiry’ in the Australian Curriculum in Science, History and Geography, and the overlap with problem solving in mathematics. Gillian has also researched ICT, STEM, biotechnology education, Indigenous underachievement and teaching in and out-of-field.
Ts. Dr. Yuseni Bin Ab Wahab (Malaysia) University College of Islam Malaca, Malaysia
Dean Faculty of Business Innovation and Technology (FIPT) University College of Islam Malacca (KUIM), Batu 28, Kuala Sungai Baru, 78200 Melaka Tel : 06 – 387 8382 (office) Fax : 06 – 387 8411 (Office) Hp : 017 -6087941 E-mail: Google Scholar: Scopus: Research Gate:
Main Areas of Research Interest 1 Maintenance Management. 2.Artificial Intelligent 3.. Modeling 4. Decision Technology
List of Major of Research / Publication (List of journal / preceding / Book )
1. Yuseni Ab Wahab, ASH Basari, “Building Maintenance Management Preliminary Finding of a case study in ICYM”, Middle-East Journal Of Scientific Research, Vol. 17, Issue 1260-1268, pp. 9, 2013 ( Scopus Index-Q3) 2. Yuseni Ab Wahab, ASH Basari, “Analysis of Down Time and Reliability Estimation in Hostel Building Maintenance-a Case Study”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 17, Issue 1213-1219, pp. 9, 2013 ( Scopus Index-Q3) 3. Yuseni Ab Wahab, ASH Basari, “Best Parameter of the Hostel Building Component Maintenance, International Journal of Computer Applications”, Vol. 110,Issue Hostel Building Component Maintenance, pp.5, 2015 ( Scopus Index-Q3) 4. Yuseni Ab Wahab, ASH Basari, “Identifying The Best Parameter Distribution For University Hostel Building Maintenance”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 22, Issue 8, pp. 1145-1149, 2014 ( Scopus Index-Q1) 5. Yuseni Ab Wahab, Abd Samad Hasan Basari, Burairah Hussin,” Replacement Model for Hostel Building Case Study: ICYM” Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 21, Issue 11, pp. 1977-1981, 2014. ( Scopus Index-Q1) 6. Yuseni Ab Wahab, Abd Samad Hasan Basari, Building Maintenance Management Preliminary Finding of A Case Study in KUIM, National Conference Case Study, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Vol. 1, Issue Building Maintenance Management, pp. 9, 2013. 6 7. Yuseni Ab Wahab, Abd Samad Hasan Basari, “Optimization of Downtime for Replacement Model of Hostel Facility Maintenance” Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23 (5): 944-947, 2015 ISSN 1990-9233 © IDOSI Publications, 2015 ( ISI Thompson Reuter ) 8. Yuseni Ab Wahab, Abd Samad Hasan Basari “Hostel Facility Maintenance Preliminary Finding of Higher Education Institution in Malaysi’ International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015 ISSN 2250-3153. ( Scopus Index-Q3) 9. Yuseni Ab Wahab, Abd Samad Hasan Basari “Failure Distribution of the University Hostel Building” International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 2016. ISSN 350-353. ( Scopus Index-Q3) 10. Rosnizam Ismail, Ab. Yuseni Wahab, MA Burhanuddin, Mokhtar Mohd Yusof “The Review on Investigation of Barriers In Knowledge Sharing and Partnership In Information Communication Technology Companies” International Business Management,4713-4718 ISSN: 1993-5250, ( Scopus Index-Q3) 11. M.A. Burhanuddin, Ronizam Ismail, Yuseni Ab. Wahab, M.K.A. Ghani, Asmala ahmad,Mustafa Musa Jaber, Mohammed Abdulameer, “Internet Of Things: Past, Current And Future Direction Of Research “First International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology, 22-23 December 2016,Hyderabad,INDIA – ( Scopus IndexQ3) 12. Yuseni Ab Wahab and Shariffudin Amir Hashim, Abd Samad Hasan Basari,‘ Optimal Replacement Model for Hostel Facilities Maintenance in Malaysia’, Vol. 36, pages. 1818- 4952, ISSN 1818-4952., World Applied Sciences Journal ( Scopus Index-Q3) 13. Yuseni Ab Wahab and Shariffudin Amir Hashim ,‘Intelligent Model for Optimal Hostel Replacement Maintenance Based on the Cost and Downtime Value, Vol. 36, pages. 64-65, ISSN 1818-4952., Idosi Publication ( Scopus Index-Q3) 14. Yuseni Ab Wahab and Shariffudin Amir Hashim ,” The Snapshot Techniques to Identify Problem Hostel Maintenance Management (Case study in University College Islamic Malacca) ‘”, Vol. 36, pages. 64-65, ISSN 1818-4952., Global Academic Publication ( Scopus Index-Q3) 15. Y Ab Wahab A. M. A. Burhanuddin , B. Ronizam Ismail ,C. Mokhtar Mohd Yusof “’An Overview of the Literature on Technological Diversification among Companies”’ Vol. 146, pages. 55-60, ISSN 2180-1843, Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC),2017 ( Scopus Index-Q3) 16. Yuseni Ab Wahab and Shariffudin Amir Hashim” Intelligent Model for Optimal Hostel Replacement Maintenance Based on the Cost and Downtime Value”’ World Applied Sciences Journal 35 (2): 238-243, 2017,ISSN 1818-4952,© IDOSI Publications, 2017( Scopus Index-Q3) 17. Yuseni Ab Wahab and Abd Samad Hasan Basari”, “’Intelligent Optimal Replacement 7 Model For Hostel Facilities Maintenance”’ Journal of Engineering and Health Sciences Jilid 1, KUIM, 2017: 85-94 18. Yuseni Ab Wahab and Shariffudin Amir Hashim, ”Optimal Hostel Replacement Maintenance applied Intelligent Model Based On The Cost And Downtime Value, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN: 2394-7926, Volume-3, Issue-11, Nov.-2017 19. Yuseni Ab Wahab, Shariffudin Amir Hashim and Abd Samad Hasan Basari ,”’ Optimal Replacement Model for Hostel Facilities Maintenance in Malaysia”” World Applied Sciences Journal 35 (1): 60-63, 2017 ,ISSN 1818-4952,© IDOSI Publications.